The Difference of Influence of Cooperative Learning Jingsaw againts NHT (Numberes Head Together) with Student Learning Outcome at D3 Midwifery Study Program Faculty of Health Sciences Kadiri University

  • Kadiri University
Keywords: cooperative learning, jingsaw, NHT, learning outcome


Based on cards study result of DIII midwifery of Kadiri university academic 2014/2015, there are 30 from 47 students have a value 2,75. The purpose of this research is to know the difference effects of the application cooperative learning Jingsaw type and NHT on learning outcome students DIII midwifery at Faculty of Health Sciences Kadiri University. The research design used pre experimental. The population in this study were all students DIII midwifery second semester at faculty of health sciences kadiri university with totally sampling retrived sample of 32 people. The instrument of this research are questionnare. The results of this study are analyzed by wilcoxon and mann whitney. The result showsthere is influence of cooperative learning type jingsaw with studentslearning outcomes. And there is influence of cooperative learning type NHT with students learning outcomes. Based on bivariat analyze for difference effects of the application cooperative learning Jingsaw and NHT with α = 0,05 obtained p value = 0,046 so p value< α means H0 rejecteddan H1accepted. Conclusion in this research are the difference effects of the application cooperative learning Jingsaw and NHT type on learning outcome students DIII midwifery on Faculty Health of Kadiri University. Based on the result of the research for educational institutions can apply cooperative learning so can improving learning outcome.
