The Relationship between Hypertensive Medication Adherence and Stroke Reccurence at Neurology Polyclinic in TNI AU dr. M. Salamun Hospital TK II Bandung

  • Stikes Jenderal A. Yani Cimahi
Keywords: hypertension medication adherence, stroke reccurence


There are approximately 9.4 billion people died per year caused by stroke and heart disease. Hypertension is the main contributor of these diseases. To prevent stroke incident, the patient have to control their blood pressure by taking antihypertensive medication. Hypertensive medication adherence is important for the patient with hypertension because hypertension is a kind of disease that cannot be cured, so the patient must take medication for the rest of his life. Research method used in this study is correlation analysis. 63 respondents were drawn using concecutive sampling. Data analyzed by applying Chi square test, provides score that reflecting the relation between hypertensive medication adherences with stroke incidence. Research finding of this study shows that there are 7 respondents (11.1%) had high adherence in taking antihypertensive medication, 16 respondents (25.4 %) had medium adherence, and 40 respondents (63.5 %) had low adherence. There are only 17 respondents (27 %) have experienced stroke incidence in the last 3 months compared to the rest 46 respondents (73.3 %) who did not experience it. Furthermore, the analysis shows that there are no significant correlation between hypertensive medication adherence with stroke incidence, with p value = 0,518, p ≥ α (α = 0.05). This study identified other factors, besides hypertensive medication adherence, might causing stroke incidence. For this reason, the author suggest that there is a need to conducting more research using cohort approach to find out the most contributing factors (from the factors that has been identified in this study) which might reduce the possibility of the occurrence of stroke incidence.
