The Influence of Logo Therapy on the Meaning life of Elderly with Stroke in Padalarang District in 2017
lted in limited ability of a person to perform daily activities (Muttaqin, 2008). Someone who is paralyzed and suffering will appear psychosocial problems for an example the decline in the meaning of life (Maryam, 2008). Elderly who have psychosocial problems, requires a nursing action which is logo therapy. The study aims to determine whether there is influence of logo therapy on meaningful life of elderly stroke in Padalarang District in 2017. The research used Quasi Experimental Design with the Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The population is 46 elderly stroke in Padalarang district.The average research result before and after given logotherapy is 7.20 and 13.90 respectively. The result of statistical tests concluded that there is influence of Logo Therapy on meaningfulness of Life in elderly stroke in Padalarang District with P value 0,0001 <α (0,05). It is recommended for District Health Office of West Bandung requires effort in improving health status of elderly by increasing meaningfulness of life. It can be done by holding a routine posbindu, giving health education about logo therapy to the elderly.