Description of Patient’s Pain Level Post Catheter Installation at Local General Hospital
A common intervention to address urinary system problem is the installation of a urinary catheter. Oneof the complication that arise in this procedure is pain (Kozier, et al 2010). This pain is the result of trauma occurring in the urethral mucous membrane than can occur due the friction of the catheter and urethral wall. Pain that occur due to catheter installation procedure is potentially disturb patient comfort. The purpose of this study was to know the description of pain level in post catheter installation by using jelly that was applied in local General Hospital. The Research method used is descriptive method with the number of samples of 38 respondent, using an observation sheet of pain numeric rating scale. The data used are primary data collected on 19 may 2017 until 7 june 2017. The result showed that the patient‘s pain level was in the range of 4-8. Mean of the patient pain level is 5.07 which in moderate pain category. Moderate and severe pain cause discomfort of the patient. The pain that arises due to lubrication of the urethra is not maximal. many jelly are left outside the urethra so that the mucosal layer of the urethra is not fully coated jelly. This condition also increases the risk of urinary tract infection. Prevention and intervention of pain due to catheter installation need to be done well. An alternative method should be used to maximize lubrication during catether installation.